If you aren’t familiar with Photo|Video Fusion, don’t worry… I’m here to tell you all about it… and more importantly to show you, so you can see it for yourself! In words, it’s the future of photography… and definitely an official part of my business from here on out for all Newborn, Baby and Children and Family sessions! Photo|Video Fusion is really just that… it’s taking photos and fusing them with video footage to make a final product that is a must have keepsake.
Would you like to see what Photo|Video Fusion looks like when finished? Just press play!
Love the video, and curious about how it looks as an actual product?
When you purchase the Video from your session, you don’t just get the digital download on a flash drive or it burned to a generic disc…. You get a Custom DVD with an image from your session, and a Custom Case designed just for you. The case has a matte protective finish and magnetic closure, perfect for keeping and documenting. Also, I make sure to customize the main menu with your images, names and date when you insert the DVD, to really make a well rounded final product. I promise, you will LOVE it! These are great for personal keepsakes, or they make beautiful gifts for others, especially Grandparents!
A few more Fusion Videos
(You can also view the Session videos at the end of every Session Blog post!)
And My Jack <3
Want one of these for yourself or someone you love? Contact me today to schedule your unique and unforgettable session!
989.272.3828 | marissa@marissamcinnisphotography.com | Contact Link Above | facebook.com/marissamcinnisphotography.com